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Picture Book Illustrations

Illustrations from story:

"Good Can Come From There"

Watercolor and Colored Pencil


Cover Hunting Grounds

Illustrations from story:

"You, Yourself, and God"

Watercolor and Colored Pencil

Girl with umbrella mitten

Illustrations from stories:

"Snow Boy" and "Maui Mutt"

Watercolor and Colored Pencil

Snow Boy Maui

Illustrations from story:

"Nobin's Rainbow"

Watercolor and Colored Pencil

Nobins Rainbow Nobins Rainbow2

Illustrations from Story:

"The Boy Next Door"

Watercolor and Colored Pencil

The Boy Next Door

Helping Hurt Boy

Illustrations from book:

"God's Mighty Raptors"


Barn Owls Falcon

Illustrations from book:

"God's Leaping Wonders"

Adobe Photoshop and Indesign

Frog Development Suriname Toad

Illustrations from books:

"God's Leaping Wonders" and

"God's Spooky Night Creatures"


Panama Frog Fruit Bat

Illustrations from :story:

"Magda's Miracle"





Customer reviews on "Eternal Goodness" as found on Amazon:

"They describe the story as lovely and touching, with gorgeous illustrations and vivid watercolors... "

"I was very impressed with the story and illustrations for this heartful book..."

" The artwork is so engaging. "

" The illustrations were beautiful and the QR code to listen to the song, Eternal Goodness, made it is so special!"

"I really love the vivid water colors."

"The drawings are very sweet with playfulness."

Illustrations from story:

"Eternal Goodness"

Watercolor and Colored Pencil

Girl and Dolphins Turtle

Illustrations from book:

"God's Beautiful Songbirds"

Acrylic and Adobe Photoshop

painted bunting Songbird anatomy

Larger Illustrations and Stand Alone Paintings

"Peacock on a Rock" (below) Acrylic, 2011


"Garden of Eden" Acrylic, 2023

"Behemoth" Acrylic, 2025
"The Deluge" Acrylic, 2024
The Deluge
"Archaeopteryx" Acrylic, 2024
"Moldovan Monastery" Acrylic, 2023


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